Invar Kalnins, Irina Alferova play "What Do Men Want?" on tour in North America, October-November 2018.
The play “What do men want?” based on the play “Sylvia” by Albert Gurney, a popular Broadway playwright, as interpreted by director Olga Shvedova. So what do men want? The plot tells the story of an unusual love triangle - a husband, a wife and... a dog, presented in the form of a person, who can speak, think, feel and even intrigue, fighting for the love of the owner who picked her up on the street. A man who has been married for many years cannot find common interests with his wife; on the contrary, mutual understanding with the dog is complete, which is why he gave her a human name - Sylvia. The wife rightly sees her as a competitor in the struggle for her husband’s attention, and makes either weak or violent attempts at confrontation, not wanting to put up with a brazen invasion of her territory.