1 (305) 709-7713

Privacy Policy

The information we have received from you on our website is used exclusively for the company's internal purposes to improve the service of visitors. This information is not passed on to third parties, moreover, “MY EASY TICKETS.COM ” takes all necessary measures to protect your data; all your personal information is transmitted under the SSL protocol, encrypted by 128-bit encryption and thus cannot be intercepted by third parties. This is the most common standard for data security on the Internet at the moment.


The customer, by specifying their contact details (name, last name, contact number, email address and delivery address) on the site, understands that the data they provide is not personal data identifying the Customer on the basis of U.S. law. The data is provided voluntarily and to the extent necessary and sufficient to fulfill MY EASY TICKETS.COM  's obligations to the Client.


 MY EASY TICKETS.COM uses the information provided to meet its obligations to the Customer in accordance with U.S. law. MY EASY TICKETS.COM promises not to disclose the information received from the Client.


It is not considered a violation for MY EASY TICKETS.COM to provide information to agents and third parties acting under a contract with MY EASY TICKETS.COM  to fulfill its obligations to the Client.